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Dispersion Effects in Preparative Polymethacrylate Monoliths Operated in Radial-flow Columns

R. Hahn, A. Tscheliessnig, P. Bauerhansl, A. Jungbauer

J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 70 (2007) 87–94

Monolithic media have found widespread use as excellent tools for fast analytical separations of small molecules, proteins, pDNA and viruses. Polymethacrylate monoliths with large channels are attractive for capturing large molecules, like immunoglobulins, DNA, and viruses. For preparative purposes, these monoliths are operated in radial flow mode. Band spreading in monoliths is extremely low and mostly dominated by the contribution of extra column effects. The model used here had a single axial dispersion coefficient which lumps together extra column effects and the intrinsic band spreading of the monolithic material to characterize the adsorption of proteins and pDNA on polymethacrylate ion-exchange monoliths. Due to the fact that the performance of the monolith was unaffected by the velocity within the applied range, and due to highly favourable adsorption isotherms, a constant pattern model could be applied to predict preparative runs on radial flow units assuming axial flow for modelling.

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