Video 1: Practical Application of CIM Monolithic Well Plates
Our first video is your go-to resource for preparing the well plate for sample application, as well as for cleaning and storing it for future use. We emphasize the importance of multiple uses of our monolithic columns and provide detailed instructions to maintain consistent performance.
Steps Covered in Video 1:
- Familiarize yourself with the instructions for use before the first application.
- Remove the bottom cover and upper seal to prepare the plate.
- Condition and run your experiment by removing the storage solution, washing the monoliths, and equilibrating the plate.
- Clean the plate with a CIP solution, wash with water, and re-equilibrate.
- Store the plate by passing the appropriate storage solution through it, securing the bottom cover, and sealing with the upper foil.
Video 2: Operating CIM Monolithic Well Plates With Vacuum
The second video in our series demonstrates the correct setup and operation of the well plates using a vacuum manifold. You’ll learn how to prepare the vacuum manifold and the plate, ensuring a seamless experiment.
Steps Covered in Video 2:
- Remove the storage solution by placing the waste basket, spacer, and well plate inside the vacuum manifold.
- Condition the well plate with water and equilibrate based on your target molecule.
- Conduct experiments by replacing the waste basket with a collection plate, maintaining a minimal space to prevent cross-contamination.
- Wash and store the well plate following the guidelines from the first video.
Video 3: Operating CIM Monolithic Well Plates With Centrifuge
For those utilizing a centrifuge in their workflow, our third video provides a step-by-step guide on how to correctly position the plates and operate them within the centrifuge.
Steps Covered in Video 3:
- Ensure your rotor is compatible with deep well plates.
- Position the CIM Monolithic plate above the collection plate and secure them in the centrifuge’s bucket.
- Run the plates at up to 1000 rcf and check for complete solution passage post-run.
- Follow the cleaning and storage instructions as outlined in the first video.
Video 4: Operating CIM Monolithic Well Plates With Positive Pressure Manifold
The final video in our series teaches you how to use the CIM Monolithic Well Plates with a positive pressure manifold, detailing the setup, operation, and storage procedures.
Steps Covered in Video 4:
- Position the CIM Monolithic plate and collection plate on the slider tray and slide them under the manifold.
- Activate the positive pressure, running the plates at up to 13 psi.
- After the solution has passed through, turn off the pressure, remove the manifold, and slide the plates out.
- Wash and store the well plate as per the instructions in the first video.
By following these detailed instructions and utilizing our instructional videos, you’ll be able to harness the full potential of CIM Monolithic Well Plates, ensuring a smooth and successful chromatographic process.