Biofair: Med študenti na kariernem dogodku največ pozornosti zdravilom za zdravljenje raka

Naši strokovnjaki in znanstveniki so na največjem kariernem dogodku za študente s področja ved o življenju Biofair, ki je potekal 14. in 15. maj 2024 na Fakulteti za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo v Ljubljani, s študenti v razgovorih razkrivali pomen čiščenja velikih biomolekul (cepiv, virusnih vektorjev, DNK).

Zanimanje študentov za to področje je veliko, saj se sedanji trg za čiščenje velikih biomolekul hitro širi in zahteva naprednejše tehnologije ločevanja biomolekul. Ločevanje je možno opraviti z inteligentnimi filtri, ki so glavna dejavnost podjetja Sartorius BIA Separations. Študentje so imeli priložnost sezanitve z dejavnostmi podjetja, ki je eno redkih biotehnoloških družb pri nas. Posebno pozornost so pritegnili pogovori o monoklonskih protitelesih, ki so uspešna zdravila za zdravljenje raka. V zadnjem času so to vedno bolj uveljavljena nova skupina biololoških zdravil, ki zelo usmerjeno delujejo na rakaste celice in imajo manj stranskih učinkov na bolnikovo telo.

Z rastjo trga biofarmacevtikov raste tudi trg procesne tehnologije, ki omogoča filtracijo primerno vzgojenih organizmov.​ Na tem delu je podjetje pred novimi izzivi in s tem potrebuje nove kadrovske okrepitve, saj

prihodnost monolitnih kolon zagotavlja nižje cene zdravil zaradi prihrankov pri stroških proizvodnje velikih farmacevtskih biomolekul in
ker večina biofarmacevtikov prehaja fazo, ko jim poteče patentna zaščita. To je priložnost za družbo Sartorius BIA Separations, da poišče nove kupce v segmentu čiščenja z bolj učinkovitimi postopki proizvodnje.​
Inovativnost podjetja, naša moč prihodnosti razvoja, v katerem vidimo priložnosti sinergij z novimi kadrovskimi krepitvami, je moč našega znanja.

Posamezen razgovor s študenti na kariernem sejmu je trajal 10 minut, tako da so študenti imeli priložnost pogovora z našimi zaposlenimi iz Sartorius BIA Separations, kot tudi z Novartis, UKC, SIEMENS Healthineers, Acies Bio, Institut “Jožef Stefan”, NIB, Krka, Cobik, Helios ter Kemomed.

Dogodka se je v okviru podjetja udeležila Tjaša Leban, zaposlena v službi za tehnično podporo, ki je sejem obiskala že pred dvema letoma kot študentka z namenom iskanja prve zaposlitve. Sejem ji je ponudil možnost vzpostavitve stika s podjetjem, kjer je danes zaposlena. Urh Černigoj, strokovnjak raziskovalec v Sartorius BIA Separation, je sejem označil za izvrstno priložnost novih kadrovskih okrepitev podjetja v naslednjem letu. »Vsi študentje, ki so se prijavili na hitre razgovore, so bili motivirani in kompetentni.”

Biofair: Among Students at the Career Event, the Most Attention was Given to Cancer Treatment Drugs

Our experts and scientists at the largest career event for life sciences students, Biofair, which took place on May 14 and 15, 2024, at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology in Ljubljana, discussed with students the importance of purifying large biomolecules (vaccines, viral vectors, DNA). There is significant student interest in this field, as the current market for purifying large biomolecules is rapidly expanding and requires more advanced biomolecule separation technologies. Separation can be performed with intelligent filters, which are the main activity of the company Sartorius BIA Separations. Students had the opportunity to become acquainted with the activities of the company, which is one of the few biotechnological firms in our country.

Particular attention was drawn to discussions about monoclonal antibodies, which are successful drugs for cancer treatment. Recently, they have become an increasingly established new group of biological drugs that target cancer cells very specifically and have fewer side effects on the patient’s body.

With the growth of the biopharmaceutical market, there is also growth in the process technology market, which enables the filtration of appropriately cultured organisms. In this area, the company faces new challenges and thus needs new personnel reinforcements because

1.) the future of monolithic columns ensures lower drug prices due to savings in the production costs of large pharmaceutical biomolecules, and 2.) as most biopharmaceuticals are transitioning to a phase where their patent protection expires. This is an opportunity for Sartorius BIA Separations to find new customers in the purification segment with more efficient production processes.

The innovativeness of the company, our strength for the future development in which we see opportunities for synergies with new personnel reinforcements, is the power of our knowledge.

Individual interviews with students at the career fair lasted 10 minutes, so students had the opportunity to talk with our employees from Sartorius BIA Separations, as well as with Novartis, UKC, SIEMENS Healthineers, Acies Bio, Jožef Stefan Institute, NIB, Krka, Cobik, Helios, and Kemomed.

The event was attended by Tjaša Leban, an employee in the technical support service, who visited the fair two years ago as a student with the intention of finding her first job. The fair offered her the opportunity to establish contact with the company where she is now employed. Urh Černigoj, a research expert at Sartorius BIA Separation, described the fair as an excellent opportunity for new personnel reinforcements for the company in the next year. “All the students who signed up for the speed interviews were motivated and competent.”

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