Removal of host cell DNA is essential for all human-injectable biologics. This poster shows a method for achieving low host cell levels in preparations of exosomes. Purified exosome samples were prepared with anion exchange chromatography (AEC) and pre-treated with tangetial flow filtration (TFF) and nuclease treatment. Results are compared with an experimental control using TFF and size exclusion chromatohraphy (SEC).
The steps in purification process are illustrated by analytical size exclusion chromatography (SEC) on PATfix system with in-line UV, MALS and fluorescence detectors and by staining with Picogreen reagent. This technique visualizes sample composition by size, UV, light scattering and fluorescent properties.
*Please note that the CIMmultus EV product line referenced in this document has been discontinued as of 1st June 2024. For comparable results, we recommend using products from the CIMmultus QA line.