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An Introduction to Monolithic Disks as Stationary Phases for High Performance Biochromatography

T. B. Tennikova, R. Freitag

J. High Resol. Chromatogr. 2000, 23, (1) 27–38

Monolithic stationary phases have revolutionized protein chromatography because they combine speed, capacity, and resolution in a unique manner. Since such stationary phases contain no particles but only flow-through pores, the usual mass transfer restrictions to the chromatography of large molecules are not observed and extremely fast separations become possible. Recently the area of application of monolith chromatography has been extended to the separation and analysis of small molecules and plasmid DNA. This review summarizes the state of art in high performance monolith and especially high performance monolithic disk chromatography (HPMDC). The current understanding of the theory of protein HPMDC is summarized, while an introduction to the evolving field of small molecule HPMDC is attempted. The basic differences between the monolithic disks and columns packed with conventional stationary phases (including perfusion and micropellicular particles) but also monolithic columns (porous rods) are outlined. Finally, the potential of HPMDC to analytical and preparative biochromatography is demonstrated by a discussion of recent applications of chromatographic disks for protein isolation and bioprocess analysis.

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